SANTOL TREE/ Cotton Fruit Tree/ Quả Bông
SANTOL TREE/ Cotton Fruit Tree/ Quả Bông
SANTOL FRUIT TREE/ Cotton Fruit Tree/ Quả Bông. Airlayered Tree Will Fruit Soon. Ship in 3Gal container
Santol fruits are round to ovate, averaging 4 to 7 centimeters in diameter, and have a slightly flattened shape. The skin is leathery, somewhat fuzzy, and wrinkled, ripening from green to golden yellow, and is sometimes covered in a red blush. Underneath the surface, the thickness of the peel will vary, depending on the variety, and can be thin and fibrous to thick and spongy. Santol fruits also have a translucent to white pulp that encases 3 to 5 inedible seeds. The pulp has a cotton-like consistency and is juicy, slippery, and soft. Santol fruits range in flavor from sour to very sweet, depending on maturity and variety. The sweetest Santol fruits have a candy-like taste with mild peach and apple notes, while in the sour varieties, a strong umami aftertaste may linger on the palate.
Santol fruit is available in the late spring through fall.